If more people focused on their mental fitness, however, they’d likely become more successful in achieving the goals they set for themselves—physical fitness or otherwise. After all, your body won’t do what your mind doesn’t tell it. Building mental muscle is the key to self-discipline, delayed gratification, grit, and perseverance. And those are the skills you need to become the best physical and mental version of yourself.

Here are 10 resolutions that will help you grow mentally stronger:

1. I will spend at least 15 minutes a day in quiet reflection.

A few minutes of quiet time gives you an opportunity to reflect on your progress and think about what you want to do better. Schedule a few minutes every day to recharge your batteries with a little bit of solitude. It will help you gain clarity and renew your motivationto reach your goals.

2. I will do at least one tough thing every week.

Whether you sign up for a photography class or join toastmasters, do something that forces you to step outside your comfort zone. Facing your fears head-on can shift the way you see yourself. Rather than assume you need to avoid hard things because you might fail or because you can’t tolerate the stress, you’ll chip away at your self-limiting beliefs.

3. I’m going to develop a kinder inner dialogue.

The conversations you have with yourself impact the way you behave and how you feel. Harsh self-criticism only holds you back. Commit to talking to yourself the same way you’d speak to a trusted friend and you’ll unlock potential you never knew existed.

4. I’m going to become more aware of my feelings.

Aside from happiness or anger, most adults aren’t comfortable sharing their feelings. Many are willing to concede, “I’ve got butterflies in my stomach,” or “There was a lump in my throat,” because it feels less vulnerable than saying they feel sad or scared. But your emotions play a huge role in every decision you make.

– Amy Morin

Read more: 10 Strategies to Make Yourself Mentally Stronger

Photo Source: Pixabay Images