brain function

6 Ways to Save Your Brain

According to experts, everything from our gadgets to our eating habits and ultimately modern life itself are eroding our brains, chipping away at neural pathways and making us slower, denser and less capable of original thought. Most recently, a study by the University of Montreal, published this month, found that eating large quantities of saturated [...]

Network Theory Sheds New Light on Origins of Consciousness

Where in your brain do you exist? Is your awareness of the world around you and of yourself as an individual the result of specific, focused changes in your brain, or does that awareness come from a broad network of neural activity? How does your brain produce awareness? Vanderbilt University researchers took a significant step [...]

Breast-Fed Babies Grow Up Smarter and Richer

Babies who were breast-fed for at least 12 months have higher IQs and could earn an extra £200,000 in their lifetime compared with bottle-fed youngsters, scientists have suggested. Researchers followed 3,500 infants for 30 years, recording how long they spent in education, their employment and earnings and their level of intelligence. They found that breastfeeding [...]

Legal Highs – A Look at the Growing Use of Synthetic Drugs

In recent years, hundreds of new synthetic recreational drugs have emerged – drugs that neither the general public nor the scientific community know very much about. Many of these new synthetic drugs – often referred to as “legal highs” – are dangerous and continue to lead to poisonings throughout the US and the rest of [...]

Neuroscientists Find that Different Parts of the Brain Work Best at Different Ages

For example, raw speed in processing information appears to peak around age 18 or 19, then immediately starts to decline. Meanwhile, short-term memory continues to improve until around age 25, when it levels off and then begins to drop around age 35. For the ability to evaluate other people's emotional states, the peak occurred much [...]

Study Indicates Exercise Sharpens The Young Adult Brain

Regular physical activity improves brain function even in young adults considered in their prime and at the height of cognitive ability, according to a new University of Otago study. A body of research already exists showing aerobic exercise improves brain function in older adults, but there is a limited amount of literature on how it affects young adults. The Otago [...]

How parents see themselves may affect their child’s brain and stress level

A mother's perceived social status predicts her child's brain development and stress indicators, finds a study at Boston Children's Hospital. While previous studies going back to the 1950s have linked objective socioeconomic factors -- such as parental income or education -- to child health, achievement and brain function, the new study is the first to [...]

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