brain imaging

Brain Imaging Identifies Different Types Of Depression

For much of her life Anne Dalton battled depression. She seldom spoke with people. She stayed home a lot. The days dragged on with a sense of “why bother?” for the 61-year-old from New Jersey who used to work at a Wall Street investment firm. After trying more than a dozen combinations of antidepressant drugs [...]

10 Unsolved Questions In Neuroscience

Interdiscplinarity forces us to think in new ways. Photograph: Helen Pynor/GV Art Due to its incredible complexity, the brain is an immensely challenging subject of study. The average human brain has about 90 billion neurons that make 100 trillion connections or synapses. Scientists believe this staggering number of neurons is responsible for the [...]

By |2016-02-22T11:59:08+11:00February 22nd, 2016|Categories: Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Media, minds and neuroscience: the developing brain in a media-rich environment

The development of the human brain is fascinating. We see a huge migration of cells to various parts of the developing brain in the second trimester of pregnancy, and in the early years after birth the infant brain grows in density and wires up in response to what is seen, heard, smelt, tasted, felt and [...]

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