digital devices

We Finally Started Taking Screen Time Seriously in 2018

At the beginning of this year, I was using my iPhone to browse new titles on Amazon when I saw the cover of “How to Break Up With Your Phone” by Catherine Price. I downloaded it on Kindle because I genuinely wanted to reduce my smartphone use, but also because I thought it would be [...]

Most Adults Spend More Time On Their Digital Devices Than They Think

To limit kids' screen time, try unplugging yourself. In a world where we are constantly tweeting, texting, Googling and checking e-mail, technology addiction is a real concern for today's kids. Yet parents are often unable to unplug from their own digital devices, research suggests. A recent national survey conducted by Common Sense Media, which included [...]

Children’s Screen Time Doesn’t Have to Be Scream Time

Pixabay Images Parents have been struggling to contain their child's technology use to the recommended screen limit of two-hours-a-day. With schoolwork, homework, communication, social media and fun, that limit doesn't acknowledge our new reality. But the American Academy of Pediatricians's new guidelines acknowledge the dramatic change in our device use and the need for children to use technology [...]

Researchers Confirm That Screens Are Seriously Messing With Your Kids’ Sleep

Pixabay Images Reports show that kids’ burgeoning screen use is hurting their imaginations, their ability to interact with each other and their attention spans. It is also keeping them up at night. According to a new meta-analysis from King’s College, London, the ubiquity of smartphones and tablets is reducing the amount of sleep [...]

‘No Screens Under 2’ Rule Lifted

TongRo Images Inc./Getty Images If there's one rule that most parents cling to in the confusing, fast-changing world of kids and media, it's this one: No screens before age 2. As of today, that rule is out the window. The American Academy of Pediatrics, which first issued that recommendation back in 1999, has [...]

Today’s Kids Spend Too Much Time Staring At Screens

Pixabay Images I admit we were naive. We didn't quite get when computers entered their classrooms and their bedrooms ("the teacher said I have to do it online mum!"), that the Net – while holding incredible opportunities for learning – also opened up a whole new nefarious world of shallows and shoals, of [...]

It’s ‘Digital Heroin’: How Screens Turn Kids Into Psychotic Junkies

Flickr Images Susan* bought her 6-year-old son John an iPad when he was in first grade. “I thought, ‘Why not let him get a jump on things?’ ” she told me during a therapy session. John’s school had begun using the devices with younger and younger grades — and his technology teacher had [...]

Experts say exposure to artificial light from tablets is causing sleep disorders

The exploding popularity of hand-held digital devices could lead to a big jump in sleep disorders, with experts warning the light emitted from digital screens can have a disturbing effect on the body clock. via Experts say exposure to artificial light from tablets is causing sleep disorders - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).

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