
Happiness Is a Practice, Not a Destination

A lot of research on happiness and subjective well-being has been done over the last fifty years or so – seems like everyone wants to determine the exact formula for joy. While there is never going to be a specific prescription for attaining happiness, there are some important findings that can be guidelines for us. Here are [...]

Teaching Gratitude

Kathleen Cormier is trying to instil a sense of gratitude in her sons, aged 12 and 17. But sometimes she wonders if other parents have given up. Some of her sons’ peers, she says, are lacking in the basics of gratitude, such as looking adults in the eye to thank them. The saddest part, she [...]

10 Tips for Teacher Wellbeing

Tips for teacher wellbeing from ReachOut Schools The busyness that comes with starting the new school year can come as a shock to the system when you’re still in relaxed holiday mode. Check out ReachOut Schools’ 10 tips for surviving the shift, and for making your wellbeing a priority in 2018.   How to keep [...]

By |2018-01-23T09:10:23+11:00January 22nd, 2018|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Neuroscience Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You Happy

You get all kinds of happiness advice on the internet from people who don't know what they're talking about. Don't trust them. Actually, don't trust me either. Trust neuroscientists. They study that gray blob in your head all day and have learned a lot about what truly will make you happy. UCLA neuroscience researcher Alex [...]

Can You Really Be Happier In 30 Days?

How do you describe happiness? Is it being bubbly all the time or having a constant smile on your face? When researchers look at happiness they look at two different things: a person’s emotional state – do they feel like they are experiencing more positive emotions than negative emotions? – and how they look at [...]

The Silly Season With Kids – How To Reduce Stress During The Holidays

Pixabay Images As much as we love the holidays with our kiddos, there are way too many ‘opportunities’ to practice every trick/ bribe/ desperate parenting maneuver clever parenting strategy we know, in order to smooth the edges and make everything, you know, magical. This can bring more than a reasonable amount of stress during the [...]

Relationships – Hope

Pixabay Images The fourth quality in the Relationship Quotient (RQ) is hope. Hope is the belief the future offers the prospects of better outcomes than the present. Hope is the promise to actively give, to promote the mutual purpose of the relationship and to always care for the other. Hope implies that each [...]

10 Ways Gratitude Makes Your Life Better

Petar Paunchev via Getty Images It's no accident that all of the major world religions employ some form of gratitude in their rituals. It's simply because it makes our daily life better, even if you're not religious nor spiritual. Gratitude is the feeling of being thankful and showing appreciation for what is in [...]

Practice Being Grateful and Reap the Benefits The benefits of gratitude are many and profound. Being grateful is shown to improve both physical and mental health, psychological wellbeing and attitude, and our relationships with others. Practicing gratitude has even been shown to rewire our brains for the better—it is a truly powerful life-changing tool. - Carla Clark, PhD Source: Practice [...]

Gratitude Might Be The Best Ninja Move Ever

When depression chopped me in the back of the knee and sent me sprawling on the floor – well actually the couch – for a full year, I had to learn some brilliant ninja moves. I learned moves that got me back on my feet and moves that keep sneaky saboteurs from whacking me so [...]

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