Gun Violence

School shooters usually show these signs of distress before they open fire

Two years before he lined his schoolmates up against a classroom wall and executed them one by one, the student, who would become the gunman, tried to show his English teacher something important. He had quietly slid up his sleeves to reveal the cut marks running down his arms. The teacher panicked. A novice educator [...]

Yet Another Massacre…

Flickr Images The US reels from the senseless slaying of close to 50 individuals… the UK is shocked to the core by the callous shooting and stabbing of a politician ….  Australia searches for answers to the Lindt Café siege. The mass media provide mass coverage of these horrific events: we all want [...]

Gun Violence Killed 428 Times More Americans than Terrorism Over the Past Decade

gettyimages And that's using a narrow definition of gun violence, which includes homicides but excludes suicides, accidents and other kinds of gun deaths. It also uses a wide definition of terrorism, including attacks in which doubt exists about a terrorist link and crimes by anti-abortion assailants. In the wake of the Umpqua Community College massacre on Thursday – the 294th mass shooting in the [...]

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