
Supporting Children Through Loss And Grief

In western culture death, and diseases such as dementia and cancer, seem to be hidden away, not generally discussed – because ‘it won’t happen to us’. Inevitably, though, the unthinkable will occur. How can we help our children cope with loss and grief, when a loved one starts to fail in mind or body, or [...]

How Young People Cope With Grief Differently To Adults

Flickr Images Thirteen years ago, one sunny day, police knocked on Antoine's door and told him he had lost his brother in a car accident. The driver of an oncoming truck had suffered a heart attack and crossed the median strip. There were no other vehicles on the road. It was a freak [...]

Is Grief A Disease?

Flickr Images A new theory is challenging the way psychologists understand mourning. For something so fundamental to being human, there’s still a great deal we don’t know about the grieving process. It wasn’t until the 20th century that psychologists and psychiatrists claimed expertise over our emotions, including grief. The conventional wisdom about grieving [...]

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