
Survey Shows Australians Happy And Optimistic

Flickr Images Mateship is what makes Australians happy, according to a new national survey on the nation's emotional wellbeing. The Australian Psychological Society's (APS) Compass for Life survey has found people who connect with family, socialise with colleagues and are actively involved in their local community are the happiest people in Australia. Those [...]

Talking Consent: Where We’re Going Wrong With Our Boys

Pixabay Images They're the frontline in domestic violence prevention, but new research reveals the major mistakes Australian parents are making when talking to their kids about healthy relationships. When it comes to discussing consent and identifying controlling behaviour in relationships, parents are talking to their teenage kids about the issues more, but they’re [...]

Does Quitting Social Media Make You Happier? Yes, Say Young People Doing It

JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images/Blend Images Our love of social media seems to have grown and grown in the past decade, but recent studies show the tide may be turning for some platforms, with young people in particular ditching Facebook. One study claims that more than 11 million teenagers left Facebook between 2011 and 2014. [...]

Gaming And Porn Are Changing Men’s Brains

Pixabay Images Leading American Psychologist Philip Zimbardo recently discussed how men are getting left behind. For the first time in history young men are less educated than their fathers. The American Paediatric Society's 2013 study found that teenagers spend more time engrossed in media than they do in school and that time on [...]

7 Weird Facts About Empathy, Because It Depends On More Than You Think

Flickr Images Psychopathy is an area of psychological study that will forever fascinate the public, but the opposite end of the spectrum can be just as interesting. Over the course of decades, research has turned up all kinds of weird facts about empathy - where it's regulated, how it works, and what makes some [...]

Teaching Kids Empathy: In Danish Schools, It’s…Well, It’s A Piece Of Cake

Flikr Images We all know what a Danish pastry is — that delightful caloric bomb of glazed breakfast deliciousness. But what about a Danish classroom cake? And moreover, how can this help teach empathy? In the Danish education system empathy is considered as important as teaching math and literature, and it is woven [...]

The Benefits Of Mentoring

Flikr Images A key protective factor enabling young people to make a successful transition into adulthood has been identified as a relationship with a caring adult outside the young person’s immediate family.[1] In a study on resilience, Emily Werner and a team of professionals followed the development of children born in 1955 on [...]

Screens And Brains?

Getty Images A recent piece in The Australian (“Technology’s effect on children’s brains isn’t black and white” 25/5) by journalist John White canvassed many views about the impacts of screen experiences on children’s brains. The sometimes conflicting views produced a confusing picture. There’s obviously an urgent need for continuing research (and a study on social media use and teen brains released [...]

How To Make Friends

Wikihow One way to be happier is to increase the quality of our friendships. Whether you are a sociable person or a loner, friendships are important. One of the easiest ways to remain engaged and interested at school, at work or in life is to enjoy the company of the people that we are [...]

Book Scheme To Help Teenagers With Mental Health Issues

Eight of the books on the Reading Well for Young People scheme A scheme to support young people with mental health issues by providing free expert books was launched today. The scheme will provide 13-18 year-olds with high-quality information, support and advice on a wide-range of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, eating [...]

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