
Sir Anthony Seldon Says Test Obsession Wrecks Education

Class act: principal executive Anthony Seldon, Photo: John Lawrence Thomas Gradgrind, the notorious school-board superintendent in Charles Dickens’s novel Hard Times, is alive and well and running education systems around the world, it has been claimed. That is the view of Sir Anthony Seldon, historian, biographer and vice-chancellor of the UK’s only not-for-profit [...]

American Frat Houses under Fire over Blizzard of Sexual Assault and Racism Allegations

For the fraternity system – a network of more than 6000 chapters on 800 campuses nationwide – the new year has been tough. A spate of public relations catastrophes has led to renewed calls for what is known as the Greek system to be either scrapped or massively reformed. - Nick O'Malley via American frat houses [...]

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