Almost one out of every five adults suffers from mental illness in any given year. Mental illness resulted in a loss of nearly 200 billion dollars in earnings last year. For some, mental illness is a lifetime struggle. For others stress, grief, or other struggles can cause temporary mental health concerns. In any case, recognizing that their is a problem and taking proactive steps to deal with mental health troubles is key.  Here are a few tips you can use to identify potential mental health troubles.

You Feel Sad Anxious or Hopeless Without an Obvious Cause

What are you worried about? Nothing is that bad! You have so many things to be happy about! If you feel overwhelmingly sad or anxious in spite of things going objectively well, your friends and family may be confused about your feelings, even irritated. You may feel the same way too. You may question why you don’t feel grateful or why you cannot enjoy life.

Here’s the truth. What you are feeling isn’t evidence of a character flaw. Mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety exist whether there are logical explanations for your feelings or not. Mental health problems don’t discriminate.

You’re Struggling to Get Past a Traumatic Event

You’ve been through a traumatic event. You’d love to put it behind you, but that’s not happening. Maybe certain sights, sounds, even smells trigger disturbing memories. Getting through the day is difficult because you don’t know what might bring you back to that event. You may be suffering from PTSD.

There are many things that can result in PTSD. Witnessing a horrific accident, an assault, a traumatic illness, and surviving a natural disaster are just a few examples of things that can cause PTSD. Fortunately there are resources to help students fight mental health issues like PTSD.

You Struggle to Function if Things Aren’t ‘Just So’

Do you feel as if you struggle to recover from even minor disruptions in your day or bad news? Maybe you struggle with obsessive thoughts. This might include, double checking doors to make sure they are locked, arranging things in certain orders, or completing certain rituals over and over again. You could be struggling with OCD.

2.2 million people suffer with OCD. In addition to this, OCD can be comorbid with other diagnoses such as anxiety. This is an illness that can stop you from functioning on the job, enjoying your family, or even navigating daily life.

You Consistently Engage in Behaviors That You Regret

Manic episodes, depression, anxiety, avoidance are just  a few struggles for those who suffer with mental illness.  The behaviors that emerge as a result of these troubles can be absolutely mortifying. You may make poor or risky decisions with dating or personal relationships. Gambling, drug, or alcohol use can also be issues. So can shopping to excess. Some may even find themselves tempted to shoplift or break other laws.

You Struggle With Suicidal Thoughts

According to a CDC survey 9.3 million adults had suicidal thoughts in a given year. These range from contemplation to serious consideration and planning. If you suffer from these dark thoughts, this can be the result of trauma or depression. Getting help is absolutely key to dealing with these thoughts before they escalate.

Next Steps: Finding Resources For Help

If you recognize any of these symptoms, please seek help. There are so many workable treatments for mental health issues. If you are a student, there may be on  campus support systems for you to use. Your employer may offer mental health services via your EAP as well. Your community may have a mental health clinic as well. If you still aren’t sure how to get help, discuss your concerns with your physician.

– About the author: Amanda Sparks, an enthusiastic writer, former psychologist, and creative brain of Essay Supply.
She is addicted to the mysteries of human soul, and how it actually works.

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