Using test and brain-imaging data from more than 500 children and teens, researchers have created a ‘growth chart’ for brain development that could in future help spot attention issues and ADHD early. Credit: Sripada lab, University of Michigan

Want to know if your child’s height and weight are on track? Check the growth chart that the doctor gives you after each yearly checkup.

Want to know if your child’s brain is on track for healthy attention abilities? Someday, your doctor might have a growth chart for that too.

New research from the University of Michigan Medical School suggests that it might be possible to create a growth chart of brain networks that could identify early signs of attention difficulties and, potentially, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The team created the experimental growth chart by mapping the development of brain networks in more than 500 children and teens. They found networks are underdeveloped in those who have attention difficulties.

While it’s far too soon to start offering such charting to families, future development of the technique could mean better chances for children to get a firm diagnosis of ADHD sooner. It could also help track whether their ADHD treatment is improving their attention functioning, which can help them in school and life.

– University of Michigan Health System