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1. Comparing yourself to others.

Comparison has been called the thief of joy and for good reason — every minute you spend wishing you were someone else is a minute of your own life wasted. Comparing yourself to others also misses the whole point of your life — to be you, a once-in-humankind blend of gifts, passions and quirks. Stop looking at others and focus on being you and blossoming into YOUR best self.

2. Trying to give to others without giving to yourself.

Buddha once said: You as much as anyone in the entire Universe deserve your love and affection.

He was right. While it is a noble and beautiful thing to want to give to others — the truth is that you can’t give what you don’t have. If you haven’t filled yourself up by spending time alone with your soul, doing the things you love, and praising and appreciating yourself, you will be trying to pour love from an empty cup.

3. Focusing on lack instead of abundance.

It’s easy to look at your life, wardrobe or bank balance and focus on what you don’t have — instead of what you do. If you’re reading this, you already have at least one huge miracle to be grateful for — you woke up today. Switch your lens from lack to abundance and notice the magic surrounding you — fresh air to breathe, food to eat, clothing to wear, the beauty of nature, and endless opportunities for connection, creativity and love. See the miracle of life.

– Elyse Santilli

Read more: 15 Habits That Are Costing You Happiness