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When it comes to happiness, it’s easy to think that one day eternal bliss will just fall into our laps. However, a lot of our contentment comes from our attitudes and the habits we indulge in, so we have to be wary to avoid the many ways we could be thwarting our own happiness. Once we realize that we have a good degree of control over how we feel, we can work to ditch these habits and instead instill better ones that can have us on the road to positive emotions.

“Happiness is, in part, dependent on our genes,” says Karen R. Koenig, LCSW, M.Ed. over email. “Some people are born with a greater balance of dopamine, serotonin, etc. It’s also dependent on our role models for happiness growing up and how we were treated. But there are people who believe they’re living under a dark cloud, and they never have considered that they may be causing their own unhappiness by their thoughts and actions.”

Although your life circumstances certainly play a role in your happiness levels, how you adapt to them matters as well, and shifting your mindset can help bring you some inner peace. If you’re looking to feel more positive about life, consider these 11 ways you may be sabotaging your own happiness.

– Carina Wolff

Source: 11 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Own Happiness & How To Fix The Problem