Dr Michael Nagel breaks down the biochemical reasons why young boys in particular are almost constantly moving and exhibit frequent playful aggression. He relates how both testosterone and serotonin impact on the brain chemistry of boys in more pronounced ways than for girls, making them much more prone to restlessness, fidgeting and inattentiveness regardless of what they’re being asked to do.

In light of this, Dr Nagel presents some tips that allow parents to work with rather than against the biological makeup of boys. Chief among these is giving them plenty of outlets for their energy, not only because it’s what they’re naturally predisposed to do but also because it helps them to learn to regulate their behaviour and emotions better.

Read article: Why boys wrestle, play fight and fidget

Dr Nagel has contributed a chapter to the Generation Next handbook Nurturing Young Minds: Emotions and relationships and the developing brain. Proceeds from the sale of these handbooks goes towards funding Generation Next not-for-profit inititives.

Image Source: Flickr/Dani (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)