Despite all the progress made, our society still puts women through the wringer emotionally. From impossible body standards, to victim blaming, to the pressure to always put others before themselves, there is a whole lot for women to deal with from their teens and beyond. Although parents and caregivers can’t shield girls from the world, there’s a great deal they can do to prevent them from internalising damaging societal messages. But what are the most important lessons to teach?

That’s where this article steps in, outlining seven of the most crucial emotional skills girls need to learn to navigate the world more effectively. Although many of these are good skills for anyone, each point addresses an area where current society makes things more difficult for women (as with body image) or where the stakes are (such as navigating friendships). Whether the points outlined are new to you or reinforce what you already knew, this article is an excellent read because these messages can’t be heard and shared enough.

– Rebecca Ruiz

Read the article: 7 skills to teach your daughter by age 13

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