cognitive behavioural therapy

Being A Perfectionist Is Closely Linked With Anxiety And Depression Among Teens

Were you the kid in school who always aimed for an A-plus in every test, often pitting yourself against your classmates? Perhaps you're at university and ever striving for that distinction average. You would probably consider yourself a perfectionist. "Perfectionism works on a continuum. At one end, you have people who aspire and work hard [...]

Talking To A Therapist Can Literally Rewire Your Brain

If you can change the way you think, you can change your brain. That’s the conclusion of a new study, which finds that challenging unhealthy thought patterns with the help of a therapist can lead to measurable changes in brain activity. In the study, psychologists at King’s College London show that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy strengthens certain [...]

10 Tips To Tackle Unhelpful Thinking Patterns

Flikr Images Have you ever been puzzled by a young person’s reaction to a good exam result, feel that they were exaggerating, or were jumping to conclusions? Unhelpful thinking styles could be a factor. The way a young person unconsciously thinks and evaluates the world impacts how they feel at any given moment. [...]

Voices in People’s Heads More Complex than Previously Thought

One of the largest and most detailed studies to date on the experience of auditory hallucinations, commonly referred to as voice hearing, found that the majority of voice-hearers hear multiple voices with distinct character-like qualities, with many also experiencing physical effects on their bodies. The study also confirmed that both people with and without psychiatric [...]

Am I Too Crazy To Work in Mental Health?

This is an edited extract of a blog post by Polly Chester. Read the full piece here.   I’ve learned that knowledge of mental health practice can give us a dangerous and false sense of galvanization against what we advocate for. The conversation I had with the previously unknown general practitioner who recently assessed me said [...]

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