helicopter parents

From Tiger To Free-Range Parents – What Research Says About Pros And Cons Of Popular Parenting Styles

What type of parent are you? Designed by Wes Mountain, CC BY-ND What’s the best way to raise your child? It’s a question that has provoked the publication of numerous books, and seen authors race to coin the next quirky name for a new style of parenting. And it turns out there are [...]

Helicopter Schools

Is it April Fool’s day? Of course it isn’t. So why am I reading ridiculous headlines like this? Melbourne schools ban playground games because of lack of resilience   The report stated that schools were banning Tiggy because kids would just give up when they were tagged, and quoted the Victorian Principals Association president Gabrielle [...]

Hover No More: Helicopter Parents May Breed Depression and Incompetence in Their Children

Helicopter parents, stop hovering: it’s officially not good for your kids — especially if they’re already grown. A new study in the Journal of Child and Family Studies found that being overly involved in your grown-up kids’ lives can do more harm than good. The research was conducted by the same scientists who showed last [...]

‘Helicopter Parenting’ Can Undermine Students’ Self-Image

Most parents would do anything to help their children be happy and successful. But too much involvement can be detrimental as a new study shows that college students with overcontrolling parents are more likely to be depressed and less satisfied with their lives. Experts say this “helicopter parenting” style — hovering over and micro-managing their child’s [...]

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