
Academic performance in early years has impact on mental health

Helping kids succeed in first grade may have a lasting mental-health benefit: Lower risk for depression in seventh grade and beyond. That’s the conclusion University of Missouri researchers arrived at after tracking 474 boys and girls from grammar school to middle school. It makes sense - and it’s just one more reason to help your [...]

Practicing music for only few years in childhood helps improve adult brain

The impact of music on the brain has been a hot topic in science in the past decade. Now Northwestern researchers for the first time have directly examined what happens after children stop playing a musical instrument after only a few years -- a common childhood experience. Compared to peers with no musical training, adults [...]

Childhood friendships may be key to adult happiness

Happiness in adulthood may be determined by the quality of relationships in your youth, not brain power or academic prowess, new Australian research suggests. "This shows that there is an enduring, significant relationship between being well-adjusted as a child and being well-adjusted as an adult," said Dr. Victor Fornari, director of child/adolescent psychiatry at North [...]

Who’s the Parent?

For years there has been a line – albeit a semi-permanent, movable, sometimes defined, sometimes less so line – separating the role of teacher and parent. The term “in loco parentis” is used to define schools duty of care.  Often schools will offer parent information nights, offering advice on how best to meet the needs [...]

Bubble Wrap Kids

An incisive piece by Janet Albrechtsen on how current trends to protect children from even mild emotional or physical challenges sets them up for profound difficulties in adult life. In the "all must have prizes" era, merit cards are awarded to children by well-meaning teachers for the most mundane things. At the age of five or six, my son [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:16:41+10:00December 28th, 2011|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: |0 Comments

Too much too soon is destroying the childhood of many

A stand has been taken in the UK by leading academics, teachers, authors and charity leaders who have come together to urge the Government against what they say is an attack on children’s wellbeing and mental health due to the pressures of modern life. They have written to British newspaper The Telegraph asking the Government [...]

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