
How to Help Young People with Autism Stay on in Education after School

Fewer than one in four young people with autism continue their education after school. Too often, colleges and universities are just not equipped or well-enough prepared to support young people with autism to move into further or higher education. There are also problems with their transition from school. Even where schools do provide support for [...]

Lack of Education as Deadly as Smoking: Study Estimates Number of Deaths Attributed to Low Levels of Education

A new study by researchers at the University of Colorado, New York University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill estimates the number of deaths that can be linked to differences in education, and finds that variation in the risk of death across education levels has widened considerably. The findings, published July 8 [...]

Want to Help Stop Violence? Don’t ‘Like’ It Online

It's common for parents to wonder whether regular exposure to violent acts in the news can influence their children. That concern is why some parents shield their kids from continuous coverage of school shootings, and why advocacy groups issue regular reports about the damaging qualities of violence in the media. But research suggests parents should [...]

By |2015-07-12T14:18:39+10:00July 12th, 2015|Categories: Society & Culture, Technology|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

How a 14-year-old Domestic Violence Sufferer Changed the NSW Department of Education School Syllabus

Three months ago, a 14-year-old girl wrote to NSW government, weeks after the suicide death of her mother, and asked them to "educate children about domestic violence and how to seek help". Today, her wish comes true as a raft of major changes are announced to the 7-10 school syllabus that will specifically focus on domestic [...]

Long Troubled by School Bullying, Japan Now Eyes Zero Tolerance

TOKYO — After months of relentless bullying at the hands of three classmates, 13-year-old Hiroki issued what must have seemed like an empty threat to his tormentors. "I'm going to die," he told them in a text message. "You should die," was their response. In the month before his death, verbal taunts escalated into punching and [...]

Helping Kids Deal with ‘Test Stress’

Many children find doing tests stressful and experience negative impacts on their wellbeing. Tests lead children to suffer from: lost sleep, absenteeism, stress, fear of failure. Encouraging children with these 7 Steps to Success for Tests can be a great opportunity to teach valuable resiliency skills that can be applied to all areas of life! Understand The Power Of Thinking. Teaching children to understand the difference between helpful and unhelpful thinking (e.g. “I [...]

By |2015-04-27T12:29:57+10:00April 26th, 2015|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Alertness to Mental Disorders Key to Preventing Youth Suicides

Youth suicide is an immensely complex interplay of social, psychological, neurological, biological and cultural variables. The problem is that these variables carry unequal weights and no single one has been demonstrated to be necessary or sufficient to cause an individual to take their own life. This makes it very difficult to predict whether a young [...]

What Should Parents Do if Their Child is Bullied at School?

So when parents findut their child is being bullied, they are right to be concerned. But what exactly should they do about it? Should they tell the school, approach the parents of the other child, or just let their child deal with it? It can be difficult to weigh up the sometimes conflicting advice given [...]

Do Sleepy Teens Need Later School Start Times?

If you thought trying to get a groggy teenager out of bed in time for school each morning was your own private struggle, you thought wrong. The American Academy of Pediatrics declared the chronic sleepiness of our nation's teenagers a public health issue in a policy statement Monday. And to help fix the problem, the [...]

Preschool Depression May Continue For A Decade

New research discovers early childhood depression increases the risk that a child will be depressed throughout their formative school years. Washington University researchers discovered children who had depression as preschoolers were 2.5 times more likely to suffer from the condition in elementary and middle school than kids who were not depressed at very young ages. [...]

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