the media

Decadence: The Decline of the Western World

Fascinating documentary featuring many incisive ideas and interviews with leading thinkers including Richard Eckersley, who spoke at a number of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Seminars in 2011. Trailer and exclusive interview with Pria Viswalingam here Decadence: The Decline of the Western World. Movie website here: No showing!

Youth’s media consumption obsession leads to altered personalities

It is estimated that 1 billion people worldwide use the internet each day. Recent research in America has found that American teenagers, not dissimilar to Australian teenagers, spend an average of 10 hours and 45 minutes each day interacting with some kind of media. This shocking figure comes from a combination of: 31 hrs per [...]

Kids Spending Too Much Time in Front of Screens – Mostly with Parental Cooperation!

A recent survey of school children in NSW showed that young people are spending on average 3 hours per day in front of a screen (computer or tv), the majority of which is computer time. On weekdays about 44% of primary school and 61% of secondary school children spend more than the recommended 2 hours [...]

Adriana Lima's Victoria's Secret diet

The Mission Australia survey of Australian young people consistently indicates that body image more is more troubling to them than issues such as the environment and discrimination. We are now seeing primary school aged children dieting in order to bring their appearance more in line with expectations set by the media. Below is an example of how [...]

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