self esteem

Dolly escalates its attack on the self esteem of women and girls

We give talks at schools about body image and there are always girls in tears. They come up to us afterwards and confide that they compete to see who can eat the least number of calories at lunch. Even those who present as confident reveal they can feel ''like a pig'' for eating an apple [...]

Girlfriend June 2012 The Big O: and it’s not Roy Orbison, by Melinda Tankard Reist

For women my generation who see a massive magazine heading “The Big O” and think it’s about Roy Orbison, you probably won’t want to read further. The “Big O”) in this case refers to orgasm – in fact “your giggle-free guide to orgasms.” Although if your daughter is a 13-year-old reader of Girlfriend (GF has [...]

Six strategies to boost self-worth

Children and ‘self-esteem’ is heard regularly in the media, however self-efficacy is the term used in psychology and refers to a person's belief in his/her own competence. It has nothing to do with being boastful or proud, rather having a healthy view of one’s own characteristics or abilities and what one can offer the world. [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:34:43+10:00May 21st, 2012|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , |0 Comments

The key to children succeeding is to teach them empathy

In a ‘me’ world where the media is constantly telling young people that they can be anything they want to be, or have anything they want to have, it is difficult for parents to teach a sense of ‘other’ to their children. In an effort to teach self esteem we have inadvertently installed a need [...]

Study: How peer and media affect body satisfaction in young girls

40.2% of 5 to 8 year old girls desired to be thinner A study The Contribution of Peer and Media Influences to the Development of Body Satisfaction and Self-Esteem in Young Girls: A Prospective Study explores how young girls feel about their bodies when viewed through the influences of the media and their friends. It [...]

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