
The Tobacco Industry and Youth Smoking Provides Clues about the Alcohol Industry’s Strategies

This fascinating paper provides a description of how the tobacco industry, over time, has promoted its products to young people. It provides an insight into the strategies that the alcohol industry has and continues to use to promote sales of alcohol to young people despite growing community concern. The Tobacco Industry and Youth Smoking | Coombs | [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:16:03+10:00January 2nd, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Second hand smoke dulls the brain & increases addiction

It has long been the view of experts that second hand smoke (SHS) can be harmful to both smokers and non smokers alike. It is now recognised that exposure to SHS, especially among young people, can influence their risk of taking up smoking as biologically, inhaled smoke increases the urge to smoke. A recent study, [...]

Social and economic impact of drinking and smoking

22,000 deaths a year caused by tobacco and alcohol consumption and related illnesses. Tobacco, like alcohol and other drugs, has a tremendous social and economic impact on the health and wellbeing of Australian communities. In an effort to make smoking less appealing the Government is about to introduce the plain packaging legislation. Another step in [...]

US study finds children exposed to cigarette smoke suffer poor health

A study into the effects passive smoking has on children and their health has been conducted by American scientists. The results were recently presented at the Asia Pacific Conference on Tobacco or Health (APACT) in Sydney. The study found that children exposed to second-hand smoke had a higher rate of health issues including: Attention Deficit [...]

Big tobacco companies behind resistance to plain packaging

By 2012 the government intends to ensure that all cigarettes sold in Australia are in plain packaging. However the tobacco industry is fighting back in an attempt to block their plans. The big tobacco companies are bank rolling a series of newspaper and television ads for an alliance of small retailers and have hired Melbourne [...]

Menthol in cigarettes could add to addiction

It is expected that by 2012 Australia will be the first country in the world to impose generic packaging on tobacco companies. At the same time there is a push to force tobacco companies to be more up-font about the content of their products. There are growing concerns among anti-tobacco campaigners that menthol is increasingly [...]

2010 World No Tobacco Day

87% of females prefer to date non smoking partners 80% of smokers don’t believe cigarettes damage the skin* Monday 31st May is ‘world no tobacco day’. This year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) is using World No Tobacco Day to emphasize the negative aspects of smoking; particularly for women. In Melbourne, The Royal Dental Hospital [...]

Major tobacco brands promoted on Facebook

The World Health Organisation (WHO) clearly states that the advertising of tobacco on social networking websites by employees promoting the product is prohibited. However there have been a growing number of employees who have taken to the likes of Facebook and are actively promoting the brands their company produces. This is all the more shocking [...]

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