social intelligence

Don’t Worry, Be Happy: How Kids Bounce Back

Nina, 10, worries about terrorists and getting things wrong at school. Photo: The Sydney Morning Herald Ten-year-olds are at the top of their game, it's the time in their lives they are most likely to feel happy, confident and ready to take on the world. But by age 15, that resilience has plummeted. [...]

Stress, the Brain and the Neuroscience of Success

In the last 10 years, a new field of neuroscience has mapped the mental zone that can literally change the brain to quiet an overly active stress response system and simultaneously pave the way for higher brain networks to perform at optimum. The more we function from this mental zone, the less we stress, and [...]

Seven Things All Mentally Tough People Avoid

Studies have shown that there is a correlation between mental toughness and self-control. To achieve those long-term goals there are things mentally tough people avoid. In all of these different contexts, one characteristic emerged as a predictor for success. It wasn't social intelligence, good looks, IQ, or physical health. It was "grit," which the dictionary [...]

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