
Happiness Is a Practice, Not a Destination

A lot of research on happiness and subjective well-being has been done over the last fifty years or so – seems like everyone wants to determine the exact formula for joy. While there is never going to be a specific prescription for attaining happiness, there are some important findings that can be guidelines for us. Here are [...]

5 Questions to Help You Find Your Sense of Purpose

Sometimes it feels that our culture has nearly reached a saturation point in its focus on the pursuit of happiness: thousands of books, blogs, and websites purport to help us get there, with techniques ranging from the empirically validated (exercise, mindfulness, gratitude) to the rather murky (which often involve paying someone something.) But more and more research is starting [...]

7 Ways People With A Purpose Live Differently

Flickr Images While the little things in life can certainly make your day, a growing body of research says keeping your eye on the long game can make a major difference in how much you enjoy your life. One recent study found that living your life with a sense of purpose could make you less [...]

A Sense of Purpose May Help Your Heart

Living your life with a strong sense of purpose may lower your risk for early death, heart attack or stroke, new research suggests. The finding is based on a broad review of past research involving more than 137,000 people in all. "Psychosocial conditions such as depression, anxiety, chronic stress and social isolation have strong associations [...]

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