body image

‘Beach Body Ready’ Advertisements Spark Widespread Backlash

A weight-loss advertisement in the London Underground featuring a bikini-clad model has sparked a backlash, with protesters saying the company Protein World is making passersby “feel physically inferior to the unrealistic body image of the bronzed model.” More than 50,000 people have signed an online petition calling for the posters for meal replacement supplements—which have [...]

Anorexia’s More Insidious Scourge

Often masked as a health-kick a new form of the eating disorder, anorexia, is manifesting itself in teenagers. When John and Julie Armstrong's 12-year-old son, Jed, told them that he wanted to get fit in the summer of 2014, neither thought anything of it. A keen footballer, Jed designed a regime of exercise for himself [...]

Removing ‘Fat-talk’ and Body Shaming on Facebook: Where to Next? 

How does it make you feel when someone close to you tells you they feel fat? As one of a group of women from around the world who recently joined with Endangered Bodies to ask Facebook to remove the body shaming ‘I feel fat’ and ‘I feel ugly’ status options and emoticons from all versions [...]

5 Tips for Constructive Conversations with Your Child About Weight

My mum has spent her life believing that she's fat and hating herself for it. Her dearest wish was to spare me that fate. With the very best intentions she closely monitored my developing body, talked constantly about the perils of weight gain and policed my appetite in a way that she never did with [...]

New Research says 10 Million UK Women ‘Depressed’ Over Body Image

Almost 10 million women in the UK have reported that they 'feel depressed’ because of the way they look, according to new research. The study, which coincides with the launch of Body Confidence Week, finds that one in four women feel their body image has held them back from having a fulfilling relationship. Another quarter [...]

Demand for Better Selfies Prompts Rise in US Plastic Surgery Requests

Dental hygienist Jennifer Reynolds was always self-conscious about her looks, never took selfies and felt uncomfortable being tagged in photographs posted on social media. The 34-year-old from Costa Rica who lives in New York opted for plastic surgery on her nose and now feels ready for prime time on social media."I definitely feel more comfortable [...]

Tracey Spicer on Giving Up Extreme Grooming

Exactly one year ago, I began deconstructing the beauty myth. It was prompted by a question from my seven-year-old daughter, as she watched my elaborate ritual. "Mum, why do women put on make-up and men don't?" she asked. "Darling, society has unrealistic expectations about the way women look," I replied. "It's not fair. But I'm [...]

Body Image And Negative Self-Talk The Mannequin Project aims to raise awareness about body image and to generally start a new, more positive conversation. Not just reporting on the stats, actually getting to the root of why we (men, women, boys, girls, transgenders etc) are generally dissatisfied with our appearance. We created this video to show how ‘negative self [...]

Young girls ‘mimicking mothers’ body image fears’

Girls as young as seven are learning to dislike their own bodies because they have seen their mothers standing in front of the mirror describing themselves as fat or old, new research shows. The OnePoll survey found that seven out of 10 women said that their child had seen them engaging in “negative body language [...]

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