generation next

Tips on how to build bonds with boys

Steve Biddulph, author of Raising Boys and Generation Next speaker talks about the importance of giving boys different bonding experiences as they grow. He says that boys experience 3 main developmental stages as they go through life:   0-6 years old: bonding with mum and learning to love A recent study published in the journal [...]

Top online resources for building positive body image

Media is everywhere. Increasingly children are directly targeted and marketed to by media and advertising who are projecting images that are age inappropriate. The sexualisation of children by the media can be seen in adult style clothing for young girls, sexual references on clothing for boys and girls, music videos, billboards and magazines. Melinda Tankard [...]

Teens say social media a positive in their lives

For the vast majority of teens, using social-media sites and texting has become a part of daily life, but they still prefer communicating face-to-face, according to a survey released Tuesday. Overall, the teens who participated in the study painted a positive picture of the influence of social media on their relationships and self-image. More than [...]

How to help kids who are hooked on online gaming

97% of children play video games* 2% are addicted The recent story of an Adelaide mother who is struggling with her 17 year old son’s addiction to the online fantasy game Runescape probably rang alarm bells with many parents who suspect or know their teenager is in front of a screen far too often and [...]

5 things you can do to enhance your wellbeing over summer

All this year I’ve focused on student wellbeing. But for the next 5-6 weeks it’s all about you. Make sure you take the time to recharge your battery over the summer by doing these 5 things.   Connect with your family and friends. Take time to nurture your relationships, as often those closest to you [...]

Teen smoking: 10 ways to keep teens smoke free

70% of smokers say they want to quit. Most smokers start when they are teenagers. Tobacco is addictive, out of the 3 million smokers in Australia, 70% want to quite but find the habit very hard to kick even though they are aware of the health risks. Saturday 1 December 2012, saw a new turning [...]

Tips on how to encourage safe ‘risk taking’ in teenage boys

It seems that for boys ‘risk taking’ is all part of growing up and is needed to test their skills, strengths, weaknesses and independence in the world. Andrew Fuller, child psychologist and Generation Next speaker, says "We have a world that sanitises away risk, so that means risk becomes even more alluring. Boys are going [...]

10 minute activist: help stop violence against women

48% of women have experienced physical violence 34% of women have experienced sexual violence* 14% of young women aged 12 to 20 have experienced rape or sexual assault** Join over 60,00 Australians, including many celebrities like Rove, Keith Urban and Andrew O’Keefe and take an oath to end violence against women.  It is important to [...]

Tips on how to prepare teenagers for situations where others may misuse alcohol

Over 80% of adolescents have used alcohol by the time they are 14 years of age.* The National Health and Medical Research Council recommends that young people under the age of 15 do not drink any alcohol at all, and that until the age of 18 years the consumption of alcohol should be delayed as [...]

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