generation next

Tips for ensuring good mental health in children

 25% of people with a mental disorder experience their first episode before they are 12 years old.* The Australian Medical Association (AMA) Vice President, Professor Geoffrey Dobb, said that “Good mental health is vital to our wellbeing - it allows us to think and learn and interact meaningfully with others.” The main influences on a [...]

5 tips for forgiveness: empowering children to deal with anger

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Gandhi. A lot is written about youth angst and displays of aggression, however the tools needed to help them deal with anger, their own and other peoples, is not very often addressed. One of the most important aspects of empowering a child to [...]

4 foundation stones to building positive thinking and resilience

Is your cup half empty or half full? Experts say that it is not so much what happens to us but what we think about what happens to us that determines how we feel. This is important when teaching children resilience and how to handle life’s challenges. Andrew Fuller is a clinical psychologist and Generation [...]

Tips on how to protect children from impacts of media exposure

As with most things; moderation and having regard to its content are key factors in protecting children from the impacts of media exposure.  Mr Wayne Warburton, editor of “Growing Up Fast and Furious” and Right2Childhood seminar speaker has out lined some very helpful tips that will reduce the negative risks associated with exposing children to [...]

Tips to give teenagers on low risk drinking

90% of students have tried alcohol by the age of 14* With schoolies week fast approaching and the planning of wild parties to celebrate the end of exams well underway, it is a good time for parents and carers to remind young people about low risk drinking.  It is important for young people to always [...]

Tips on how to protect kids from online porn

Research shows that 70% of boys have viewed porn online by the age of 12 and that by the age of 15 nearly all have.  Increasingly they are also downloading porn onto their mobile phones and sending nude photos of themselves to each other. Experts agree that viewing pornography can be harmful to the healthy [...]

You’ve got to move it move it: tips that will make kids move

With screen time (computer, TV, online games, iPad, mobiles, etc) taking up more and more of children’s time and attention it is important that they are encouraged to burn off excess energy by getting up and out. They should aim to ‘move it move it’ and engage in physical activity for at least 30 minutes [...]

5 ways to build bonds with your children

It seems that the older children get the further away from you they become both emotionally and physically. This is the experience of many parents and developing and maintaining a deep and healthy connection as they grow is a balancing act that requires constant nurturing. Psychologists refer to this bonding process as ‘attunement’. It is [...]

7 ways to dispel racism in schools

Australia is one of the most multicultural counties in the world with 41% of Australians having one parent that was born overseas. Collectively, Australians speak over 200 languages;  the most common being Chinese, Italian, Greek and Arabic, not to mention more than 50 languages spoken by Indigenous Australians*. This melting pot that is Australia continues [...]

The Five Hallmarks of Highly Respected Achievers

What are the characteristics that describe highly driven, achievement-oriented people who are also among the most well-respected in any organization? We all know people who are highly driven but think nothing of running others over along the way. And, we know examples of people who are respected but stagnant. Highly respected achievers manage to balance these [...]

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