self harm

Self-harm In Schools: The Need For More Collaboration

Pixabay Images As increasing numbers of young people suffer from mental health disorders, the capacity of mainstream schools to support and maintain these students is becoming an increasing challenge. Of particular concern is the number of young people engaging in self-harming behaviour. The 2015 Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and [...]

Supporting A Young Person Who Has Been Injuring Themselves To Use Self-help Strategies

Flikr Images If a young person you care about has been injuring themselves, it’s important to seek the assistance of a mental health professional. Sometimes, there can be a waiting period to see a psychologist or psychiatrist, and even if you are able to access treatment quickly, it can take a little while [...]

Supporting A Friend Who Self-harms

Pixabay Images When you and I were young it was unlikely we ever had to support a friend who was self-harming, simply because self-harm was not as widespread.  I consider this is a huge ask for any 14 year old.  It can create an incredible amount of stress for young people who genuinely [...]

Should Happiness Be Part Of The School Curriculum?

Pixabay Images Meditation is just one strand of new “positive education” methods starting to build momentum and gravitas in schools. The key idea is to teach good practices such as mindfulness and gratitude that will promote resilience and, it is thought, help children lead healthier psychological lives. Until recently, these might have been [...]

Helping A Young Person Who Has Been Injuring Themselves

Flikr Images Finding out that a young person you care about has been injuring themselves deliberately can be frightening. Your first instinct is to protect them from harm, and this might lead you to try to take away any and all means of self-injury that they have available to them, and keep them [...]

How Schools Can Understand And Respond To Self-Harm

Stock Images Given current national statistics, we can safely assume there are very few young people who haven’t known someone who has deliberately injured themselves by cutting, self-battery, overdosing or intentionally participating in risky behaviour. In 2015 the Australian Child and Adolescent Survey reported that approximately 10% of 12 – 17 year olds have self-harmed, with 8% self-harming [...]

‘Trivialising’ Responses Causing Youth Who Self-harm To Turn Backs On Medical Help

PHOTO: Nicole Juniper, a 19-year-old university student from Melbourne, began self-harming when she was 14. (ABC: Norman Hermant) Negative and damaging responses from front-line medical staff are a major reason why Australian youth self-harm rates are at "unacceptable" levels, researchers say. Key points: Orygen finds young people who self-harm still subject to stigma [...]

‘Schools Largely to Blame for Rising Mental Health Issues’

Whole school cultures will need to change, and sometimes, radically so. Photo: ALAMY The mental health epidemic among the young represents one of the greatest challenges facing our schools. According to the leading charity, Young Minds, between 2001 and 2011 inpatient admissions for young people who self-harm increased by 68 per cent, while in another survey [...]

Young Goths ‘at Risk of Depression’ Young people who identify as goths may be at increased risk of depression and self-harm, a study suggests. Researchers could not fully explain the link, but suggest a tendency for goths to distance themselves from society could play a part. - Smitha Mundasad Source: Young goths 'at risk of depression' - BBC [...]

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