binge drinking

King-hit assaults show moral sense skewed by intoxicatingly violent culture

In the aftermath of the latest senseless street violence, we instinctively seek someone or something to blame. Yet pointing the finger at the aggressor in each case won't bring any change.  To prevent the ''coward punch'', we need a culture of moral identification and education. Rising violence in various media platforms has helped create a [...]

Girl Mag Watch Dolly July 2013

Dolly tackles binge drinking, abusive relationships and cyber attacks Melinda Tankard Reist Sometimes I wonder if one girl’s mag gets wind of what another is up to and copies it. In this case it’s a good thing, with Dolly also running a feature on binge drinking. I commended Girlfriend for a strong piece on “liquid [...]

Liquid Poison: Exposing the harms of binge drinking

Girl Mag Watch Girlfriend July 2013 Melinda Tankard Reist In my talks in schools around the country, I am told distressing stories of alcohol-related harm. Violence, sexual assault, damage to physical and mental health. My friend and colleague Paul Dillon, a drug educator with 25 years experience and founder of  Drug and Alcohol Research and [...]

Punch Drunk – Four Corners

Australians love a drink, and some see no problem at all with drinking to excess. But now doctors, police and paramedics have called "time", warning that alcohol-fuelled violence has reached crisis levels. "We are not facing a crisis, we're in a crisis. It's occurring right now." Read the statistics and it's hard to argue with [...]

High Sobriety

My tilt at sobriety came after 20 years of partying that had left me physically and emotionally spent. It was ironic, given my job. Sunday Age readers may remember an article I wrote at the time, in which I outed myself as the binge-drinking health reporter. During the week I wrote about Australia's booze-soaked culture. [...]

Party culture and the hangover of sexual assault

An Australian-first study based in Wollongong has a sobering message for young women who binge drink. The data is in - the more a young woman binge drinks on a night out, the more likely she is to be sexually assaulted, receive unwanted sexual attention and have unprotected sex. via Party culture and the hangover [...]

Girl’s night out: the chilling truth

61% of year 12 girls have had sex A recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald looked at the secret lives of teenager girls; what they get up to when they are out on the town. For many parents it must have been a stomach churning read. OK everyone was young once, but the lines [...]

Binge drinking leads to unwanted pregnancies

A study carried out in America, Binge drinking in the preconception period and the risk of unintended pregnancy: implications for women and their children, has shown that up to 14% of unintended pregnancies were associated with alcohol consumption. The Study’s objective was to investigate the relationship between unintended pregnancies and binge drinking. Binge drinking was [...]

The rise and fall of underage drinkers

25% of 14 to 19 year olds put themselves at risk of alcohol related harm each month 70% of 14 to 19 year olds drink alcohol despite being underage* The NSW Ambulance Service has figures indicating that 3 children a day in NSW get so drunk that they need the services of an ambulance. The under-18s treated [...]

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