adolescent health

Helping young people cope with a family break up

A separation or divorce in the family is all too common now days with the divorce rate in Australia at almost 50%*. Many young people are placed in a situation where they need to learn new skills to cope with the changes. It can often bring out a mixture and extremes of emotions from sad [...]

Tips on how to talk to kids about drugs

Paul Dillon, author of "Teenagers, Alcohol and Drugs"and Generation Next speaker says that in today's society children are introduced to drugs from an early age; if they have a cough we give then ‘medicine’ for it. So there is no reason why we can’t introduce the idea of drugs at an early age and build [...]

Top tips for schools to combat cyber bullying

65% of year 4 students experienced covert bullying It seems ironic that a young student in the USA, Jessica Barba, was recently suspended for highlighting the dangers and traumas that many students struggle with when they become the targets of cyber bullying. What started out as a school assignment ended up as an online anti-bullying [...]

Tips on how to say ‘no’ to the pressure of taking drugs

Paul Dillon, author of Teenagers, Alcohol and Drugs and Generation Next speaker says “There are so many questions that need answers, but how do parents start talking to their kids about alcohol and drugs? Asking Are you taking drugs?' won't do it, that approach won't give teenagers the information they desperately need to keep themselves [...]

By |2012-08-17T19:27:47+10:00May 21st, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

5 protective factors that promote positive body image

Vogue is to be commended on their recent stand again using skinny models. According to a Conde Nast International announcement, the 19 editors for Vogue magazines around the world have agreed to “not knowingly work with models under the age of 16 or who appear to have an eating disorder.” "Vogue believes that [...]

Tips on helping young people make friends

At any age friends play an integral part in people’s lives. For young people the forging of friendships is important for their social and mental development. However the process of making and keeping friends is not always easy. Children who feel they do not have friends may become withdrawn, exhibit antisocial behaviour and even become [...]

Video Interview: Alcohol, Resilience, Pop Culture and the Brain

Alcohol, Resilience, Pop Culture and the Brain, Assoc Prof Mike Nagel, 14 mins from Generation Next on Vimeo. Associate Professor Mike Nagel Duration: 14 mins Assoc Prof Mike Nagel will be speaking at our Mental Health and Wellbeing Seminars on applying the new brain science to working with young people. The remaining seminars for this [...]

Tips to help kids with depression at school

25% of adolescents experience depression Dr Jules Bemporad, of Harvard Medical School, describes childhood depression as: a painful state of having lost, or being unable to attain, something that is essential for maintaining a sense of wellbeing (such as the absence of a loved one, frustration of some aspiration or curtailment of some meaningful function [...]

Misuse of over the counter drugs by young people

See the latest interview with Paul Dillon, Drug and Alcohol Expert, talking about the Misuse of Over the Counter Drugs by Young People. Misues of over the counter drugs by young people. Simple analgesic medications that are available without prescription are being misused. An interview with Paul Dillon, Drug and Alcohol Expert. Interviewer, Dr Ramesh Manocha, Generation [...]

Helping young people with mental health issues use social media safely

27% of 18 to 24 year olds suffer mental health issues* The transition of young people into adults is no doubt an awkward phase for most teenagers. It is a time when they are most vulnerable to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders and addictions. Their understanding of these states of being [...]

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