human behaviour

How to Stop Radicalisation of Australian Youth

Older generations mean well and are trying to find the answers to a growing problem. But when it comes to young people, it is hard to know what is going on in our minds. When there is already so much resistance from young people to any government-designed idea, it is not going to work. The [...]

Your Adolescent Brain on Alcohol: Changes Last into Adulthood

Repeated alcohol exposure during adolescence results in long-lasting changes in the region of the brain that controls learning and memory, according to a research team at Duke Medicine that used a rodent model as a surrogate for humans. The study, published April 27 in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, provides new insights at the [...]

How Can Theatre Help School Students Deal with Bullying and Violence? 

What is the number one social issue for students across Australia? According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics landmark CensusAtSchool survey, reducing bullying in schools [1]. So how can theatre help students deal with the far-reaching and negative effects of bullying and violence? Storytelling, drama, humour, role playing and music have been used since the beginning of time to [...]

The Key to Our Happiness Is Connection, Not Competition

There are two different sides to human nature. Both are important, but the balance between them has huge implications for our wellbeing, culture and future. One side of our nature is self-interested. This is our in-built instinct to do whatever we can to survive and thrive, often at the expense of others. The other side [...]

The Search for Human Pheromones

Pheromones are chemical signals that help animals to communicate. Members of the same species respond to each other's pheromone releases by changing a behaviour or undergoing a physiological change. For example male house mice pheromones trigger aggression in other males and speed up puberty in young female mice. Though pheromones have been discovered across the [...]

Cyberbystanders: Most Don’t Try to Stop Online Bullies

In a new study, 221 college students participated in an online chat room in which they watched a fellow student get "bullied" right before their eyes. Only 10 percent of the students who noticed the abuse directly intervened, either by confronting the bully online or helping the victim. - The Ohio State University via Cyberbystanders: Most don't [...]

7 Ways to Change Your Attitude When You Can’t Change Anything Else

Change your perception, belief or opinion about your circumstances. Doing so will help you change your attitude and ultimately allow you to grow beyond the struggles you can’t control. Sometimes changing your circumstances isn’t possible – or simply not possible soon enough. You can’t get to a new job in an instant. You can’t make [...]

Defensive Architecture: Keeping Poverty Unseen and Deflecting Our Guilt

Defensive architecture is revealing on a number of levels, because it is not the product of accident or thoughtlessness, but a thought process. It is a sort of unkindness that is considered, designed, approved, funded and made real with the explicit motive to exclude and harass. It reveals how corporate hygiene has overridden human considerations, [...]

3 Critical Ways to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence 

Shutterstock With the discovery of Emotional Intelligence (EI), we now know that your professional success is as much predicated upon your emotional intelligence (and some would even argue more so) than your IQ. Your emotional intelligence is at the core of many, if not all critical "soft skills" that influence most of your [...]

Why Is Empathy An Essential Skill?

Since I’ve become a mother I have received all kinds of advice about what my daughters should learn in order to be successful. Computer programming. English. Chess. Ballet. Chinese. Math. Team sports. Music. Martial arts. I’m pregnant with my third daughter; I’m already in my seventh month, with a visible belly. Every day, when I [...]

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