human behaviour

6 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Health

To be emotionally healthy is to be in control of one’s emotions and behaviour. This helps to handle the challenges in life and to build strong relationships. Maintaining your emotional health requires the same, if not more, effort to maintain your physical health. Being emotionally healthy doesn’t mean never experiencing bad times or going through [...]

This is your Brain on Money

Research on the behaviors of the wealthy, finds that lower class individuals are more generous, charitable, trusting and helpful than upper class individuals. In another study, they find individuals with expensive cars were more likely to cut off other drivers and pedestrians. Further, in laboratory experiments, wealthy participants were more likely to take valued goods, [...]

Finding Forgiveness In The Darkest Of Places

Have you ever been so severely wronged that you found yourself at a complete loss of how to even comprehend forgiveness? Something so hurtful that all you could feel was bitterness and anger? In director Lekha Singh’s fiercely dramatic, yet undeniably inspiring documentary, Beyond Right & Wrong: Stories of Forgiveness and Justice, she explores the process of forgiveness [...]

Nine Steps To Forgiveness

From "Forgive for Good" (Harper Collins, 2002) By Frederic Luskin, Ph.D. 1. Know exactly how you feel about what happened and be able to articulate what about the situation is not OK. Then, tell a couple of trusted people about your experience. 2. Make a commitment to yourself to do what you have to do [...]

Living With Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness characterised by disturbances in a person’s thoughts, perceptions, emotions and behaviour. The illness affects around 26 million people across the world. Despite being a treatable disorder, more than 50% of people with schizophrenia cannot access adequate treatment, and 90% of people with untreated schizophrenia live in the developing world. [...]

Beyond Right And Wrong

Four Steps Toward Forgiveness The process of forgiveness can be a liberating experience. One that if practiced proactively can lead to a wonderful experience of life. Interestingly, forgiveness can only occur because we have been given the gift of the ability to make choices. We have the choice to forgive or not to forgive and [...]

8 Scientifically-Backed Ways to Feel Happier

The key to happiness is obviously a whole lot more complicated than simple addition (x+y=joy). But maybe a “happiness equation” isn’t such a far-fetched idea: In fact, researchers at the University College London have developed a formula to accurately forecast the happiness of more than 18,000 people, reported. A big part of the equation had [...]

Kids Who Catch You Lying by Omission Won’t Trust what You Say

Children are remarkable judges of the people around them - studies have shown they're able to tell when someone is lying. But can they pick up on more subtle aspects of misinformation - such as when someone's telling only part of the truth, committing a "sin of omission"? Now, in a paper published by the [...]

By |2014-10-31T01:53:32+11:00October 31st, 2014|Categories: Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Aussies might be getting kinder

The world today is often portrayed as being less kind, friendly or giving than it used to be. So-called Gen Me, today’s teens and young adults, are the poster-children of moral decline, routinely characterised as narcissistic, selfish and hedonist. Despite such concerns we know relatively little about the social composition of kindness and how it [...]

The Neuroscience Of Emoticons

Our brains might be adapting to an emoticon-filled world by processing them differently. Today emoticons are so pervasive that behavioral science has taken an active interest in how people use them. Among the evidence (recently surveyedby Roni Jacobson at the great new Science of Usblog), we find that women use more emoticons than men, that using [...]

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