
Sexting in the USA- New Survey Results

 The Crimes Against Children Research Center conducted two national surveys to develop a better understanding of sexting. The Third Youth Internet Safety Survey was a telephone survey done in 2010 with national sample of 1560 youth Internet users aged  10–17 years and their parents.  Almost 10% of youth (mostly girls aged 16–17 years) said they had "appeared [...]

Is your child an internet addict?

Although internet addiction is not yet a diagnosable illness, it is certainly raising concerns among adolescent experts who fear too much time online carries with it certain risk factors. For many young people the internet (and social media sites it gives them access to) is a lifeline. It is their way of connecting with the [...]

Back to school: how to handle bullying

50% of Victorian school children experience bullying online or at school* The summer holidays are nearly over and many young people are starting to prepare for the new school year and a return to studies, but for some it also means facing the prospect of dealing with more bullying both in the school yard and [...]

Register now for Safer Internet Day: 7 February 2012

2 free online and interactive programs for your students to participate in. Put this in your school diary now ready for 2012: Safer Internet Day 2012 Tuesday 7 February 2012 Safer Internet day (SID) is an annual international event organised by Insafe. The success of the 2011 event included the participation of 73 countries with [...]

2012 Seminars: Mental Health & Wellbeing Seminars

Generation Next is hosting a series of Mental Health & Wellbeing Seminars around Australia during 2012. Generation Next brings together Australia’s Leading Experts on Children & Teenagers in one Event to give education and health professionals a seminar series and supporting resources aimed at protecting and enhancing the wellbeing of our children and teenagers.

Police to lay charges over Facebook page that rates sexual performances

It is a sign that times are changing. Victorian police are taking cyberbullying very seriously and they have made the first move to lay charges against two brothers who allegedly created a Facebook page to rate young people’s sexual performances. This is obviously humiliating, degrading and a gross invasion of privacy for the people concerned. [...]

Teens bow to peer pressure and sext to be accepted

New government funded research has found that the peer pressure on teenagers to send and receive sexually explicit images of each other as a way of fitting in and being accepted is huge. According to Melbourne University researcher Shelley Walker, this pressure in turn is coming from the media who are increasingly sexualising and normalising [...]

Tag – you’re online for life

A new film produced by the federal government deals with the very real dangers of teenage online life and the digital profile they are creating. Tagged - What you do online could tag you for life looks at the consequences of cyber bullying and how antisocial Social Networking Sites (SNS) really are. Everything from an [...]

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