
Stress ‘Changes Brains Of Boys And Girls Differently’

Thinkstock Images Very stressful events affect the brains of girls and boys in different ways, a Stanford University study suggests. A part of the brain linked to emotions and empathy, called the insula, was found to be particularly small in girls who had suffered trauma. But in traumatised boys, the insula was larger [...]

How To Teach Happiness At School

Pixabay Images Research demonstrates that happy people are successful across multiple life domains, including marriage, relationships, health, longevity, income, and academic and work performance. They are better able to multitask and endure boring tasks, and are more creative, trusting, helpful and sociable. So how do we teach the skills of wellbeing to students? [...]

The Psychology Of Victim-blaming

Flickr Images When people want to believe that the world is just, and that bad things won’t happen to them, empathy can suffer. Victim-blaming comes in many forms, and is oftentimes subtle and unconscious. It can apply to cases of rape and sexual assault, but also to more mundane crimes. Any time someone [...]

7 Ways To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Pixabay Images Howard Gardner argued that instead of intelligence being a single ability, humans have the ability to develop multiple intelligences, nine to be exact. Some people have a natural proficiency in emotional or interpersonal intelligence; others have difficulty with this. Although this article focuses on one type of intelligence, I suggest for each [...]

Gaming And Porn Are Changing Men’s Brains

Pixabay Images Leading American Psychologist Philip Zimbardo recently discussed how men are getting left behind. For the first time in history young men are less educated than their fathers. The American Paediatric Society's 2013 study found that teenagers spend more time engrossed in media than they do in school and that time on [...]

15 Habits That Are Costing You Happiness

Flickr Images 1. Comparing yourself to others. Comparison has been called the thief of joy and for good reason — every minute you spend wishing you were someone else is a minute of your own life wasted. Comparing yourself to others also misses the whole point of your life — to be you, [...]

7 Weird Facts About Empathy, Because It Depends On More Than You Think

Flickr Images Psychopathy is an area of psychological study that will forever fascinate the public, but the opposite end of the spectrum can be just as interesting. Over the course of decades, research has turned up all kinds of weird facts about empathy - where it's regulated, how it works, and what makes some [...]

Relationships – Compassion

Flickr Images You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.. - Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird. The fifth quality or value in the Relationship Quotient (RQ) is compassion. Compassion involves showing care for other people by understanding [...]

The Power Within Vulnerability

Pixabay Images So many of us have been raised to believe we can’t show any weaknesses; so many of us have learned to hide any and all of our shortcomings believing that if they were known to and seen by others we’d be judged negatively. Yet we all have them (i.e., weaknesses and [...]

Teaching Kids Empathy: In Danish Schools, It’s…Well, It’s A Piece Of Cake

Flikr Images We all know what a Danish pastry is — that delightful caloric bomb of glazed breakfast deliciousness. But what about a Danish classroom cake? And moreover, how can this help teach empathy? In the Danish education system empathy is considered as important as teaching math and literature, and it is woven [...]

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