
On Thin ‘Ice’: Alcohol is the True Epidemic

Are we in the midst of an ice epidemic? Was the Prime Minister correct to say, when launching the National Ice Taskforce, that ice (methamphetamine) is our “worst drug problem” that it’s a “pernicious and evil” drug, and is “far more addictive than any other illicit drug”? Or is this another cycle of drug alarm [...]

By |2020-10-30T17:46:22+11:00April 24th, 2015|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Even Happiness Has a Downside

The United Nations hosted a "High Level Meeting on Happiness and Well-being" in New York this week. The confab's point was that judging the success of societies solely by material measures such as Gross National Product fails to capture everything that goes into a life well-lived. True enough, but I do wonder how accurate a [...]

Is The Science Of Brain Imaging Overrated?

Hardly a week passes without some sensational news about brain scans unleashing yet another secret of our cognitive faculties. Very recently I stumbled upon the news that according to recent research neuroscientists can tell, depending on your brain responses, whether you and your significant one will still be together in a few years: “You might hide it from [...]

What’s Behind Bieber Fever? Neuroscience Offers Explanation

The symptoms include uncontrollable screaming, swooning and spending hours on Twitter and Facebook. It primarily affects preteen and teen girls, yet it is highly contagious and can infect mothers, too. In severe cases, sufferers camp out on sidewalks for days. "The appeal for me is, of course, that he's beautiful," said 15-year-old Emma Reeves of [...]

More Time In The Womb May Lead To Better Grades In School

New study reveals that babies born earlier tend to do more poorly in school when compared to their later-born counterparts. The new research shows that infants could benefit from that extra time spent in the womb, and that more time spent in utero can lead to increased brain development. The difference was true even of [...]

Secret of a man’s happiness: do the dishes for a quiet life

A study of men across seven countries found that those who shouldered a bigger share of domestic responsibilities had a better sense of wellbeing and enjoyed a better work-life balance. But experts suggested that, while this may be partly because they felt lessguilty, the main reason could be that they had simply learnt the secret [...]

Reading a novel triggers lasting changes in the brain

Lovers of literature can rejoice: a new study combines the humanities and neuroscience to take a look at what effects reading a novel can have on the brain. Researchers say exploring a book can not only change your perspective, but also it can change your mind - at least for a few days. via Reading [...]

Trying to silence the Student Voice

I bet there’s certain things kids say that grate on you. I bet there are slang terms that, quite simply, you don’t understand.   Every now and then you’ll come across a helpful list of the latest “kids speak” like this one. Go on, read it. It’s brilliant.   I’ll bet if you think back, [...]

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