emotional intelligence

Let’s Talk about Mental Health

A few years ago, I felt as though my life had collapsed, and I fell into a severe depression. I lost the ability to stand up for myself, I backed away from conflict, I didn't believe in myself and I was afraid of what people thought of me. It was not long before I lost [...]

3 Step Guide Helping Kids to Calm

A Five Minute Writing Exercise to Help Kids Feel Less Worried and More Confident. There are lots of things we can do to help kids calm themselves.  One of the most important - and sometimes forgotten - is to help them come up with some actual words and phrases that they can repeat to themselves in times of [...]

Neuroscientists Find that Different Parts of the Brain Work Best at Different Ages

For example, raw speed in processing information appears to peak around age 18 or 19, then immediately starts to decline. Meanwhile, short-term memory continues to improve until around age 25, when it levels off and then begins to drop around age 35. For the ability to evaluate other people's emotional states, the peak occurred much [...]

3 Critical Ways to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence 

Shutterstock With the discovery of Emotional Intelligence (EI), we now know that your professional success is as much predicated upon your emotional intelligence (and some would even argue more so) than your IQ. Your emotional intelligence is at the core of many, if not all critical "soft skills" that influence most of your [...]

10 Ways to Build Resilience

gettyimages Many people react to life’s challenging experiences with strong emotions and a sense of uncertainty. Yet people generally adapt well over time to changing situations and stressful conditions. Resilience is the process of learning to ‘bounce back’ from adversity, trauma, tragedy and other significant sources of stress. Resilience is not a trait [...]

Bipolar Disorder: What You Need to Know

Like major depression, bipolar disorder is characterized by sadness, fatigue, a loss of enjoyment in everyday activities and disruptions in appetite and sleep patterns. But individuals with bipolar disorder differ from patients with major depressive disorder in that they experience what’s called mania or hypomania – emotional highs, bursts of extreme energy and severe irritability [...]

Men and Women Process Emotions Differently

Red and yellow indicates the more active areas of the brain when images are rated as highly stimulating. Green indicates the areas that specifically become more active in women. Credit: MCN, University of Basel Women rate emotional images as more emotionally stimulating than men do and are more likely to remember them. However, [...]

Will following Positive Psychology Advice make You Happier and Healthier?

Despite heavily-marketed claims to the contrary, positive psychology interventions do not consistently improve mental or physical health and well-being. The myth that these interventions are efficacious is perpetuated by a mutually-admiring, self-promotional collective that protects its claims from independent peer review and scrutiny. As with the positive psychology intervention literature, it is a quick leap [...]

How Successful People Stay Calm

1. They appreciate what they have 2. They avoid asking "what if" 3. They stay positive 4. They disconnect 5. They limit their caffeine intake 6. They sleep 7. They squash negative self-talk 8. They reframe their perspective 9. They breathe 10. They use their support system. - Patrick Begley via How to stay calm and be [...]

6 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Health

To be emotionally healthy is to be in control of one’s emotions and behaviour. This helps to handle the challenges in life and to build strong relationships. Maintaining your emotional health requires the same, if not more, effort to maintain your physical health. Being emotionally healthy doesn’t mean never experiencing bad times or going through [...]

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