
Private Schools And Their Moral Failings

Not every private school kid emerges as a Ja’mie, a Danny, nor any of the other bitches and bullies portrayed in these fictions. But these fictions tell a certain truth: there’s much more to education than what’s taught in the classroom. If public schools are values-neutral, as John Howard (who attended one) famously suggested, private [...]

Commissioner Opens Generation Next Seminar To Support Youth

On Friday 30 May, NSW Mental Health Commissioner, John Feneley addressed teachers, nurses, social workers, police and mental health professionals as he officially opened the Sydney Generation Next seminar. Held at the Sydney Town Hall, the Generation Next seminar saw more than 1000 professionals from across multiple disciplines come together to learn how to support [...]

Multiculturalism Faces Uncertain Future In Our More Polarised Nation

Australia seems to be becoming a more polarised society. This is the simple conclusion from recent research undertaken for SBS, which looked for answers to how Australians think the country has changed over the past 20 years, and where they think it may be in another 20 years. A more “traditionalist” group perhaps as high [...]

Are we becoming less religious?

A seismic shift is occurring with religious belief in Australia. This dramatic change reveals a search for national identity—one that offers a clear path to a hopeful future. Until now, everything Australians have tried, religiously speaking, has not worked. Widespread attachment to traditional Christianity has not brought true prosperity and contentment. Wholesale secularism has also failed [...]

Entering adulthood in a recession linked to lower narcissism later life

We often attribute the narcissistic tendencies of others to parenting practices or early social experiences. But new research reveals that economic conditions in the formative years of early adulthood may also play a role. The research shows that people who entered their adulthood during hard economic times are less narcissistic later in life than those [...]

10 Toxic Habits of Unhealthy People

Unhealthy people have toxic habits that keep them unhealthy. Avoid these 10 toxic habits to ensure that you are living life to your full potential. 1. Always Assume the Worst Unhealthy people always assume that the worst. They assume no one will like them, that they’ll always mess up, and that they’ll never be successful [...]

Exercise can alter your DNA, study claims

Although inherited DNA genes cannot be changed, the way that genes express themselves can be altered by individual actions, it is said. A work out can positively affect the way cells interact with fat stored in the body, a new study published in the journal PLOS Genetics found. The genes have attached 'methyl groups' which [...]

Spirituality is key to kids’ happiness

Research shows that children who feel that their lives have meaning and value and who develop deep, quality relationships - both measures of spirituality - are happier. It would appear, however, that their religious practices have little effect on their happiness. via Spirituality is key to kids' happiness.

The backlash against 24/7 connectivity

As every aspect of our daily lives has become hyper-connected, some people on the cutting edge of tech are trying their best to push it back a few feet. Keeping their phone in their pocket. Turning off their home Wi-Fi at night or on weekends. And reading books on paper, rather than pixels. via The [...]

Meditation: Everyone can do it

Science is starting to recognise the connection between the ancient and authentic meditation experience and optimal performance states, both at work and play. What the martial artist refers to as "muslin" and elite sportspeople call "the zone" can also be found in the essence of meditation practice. It is primarily useful in stilling the mind. [...]

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